The year 2011 has brought an abundant amount of blessings to me and my family. Some of these blessings include: my pregnancy and birth with Aunika, buying a new home, vacationing to San Fransico and Chicago, and my brother coming safely home from Afghanistan.
Becoming pregnant with Aunika was the most precious blessing to us personally. She did not come easily to us. We had to seek medical help which at first I was embarrassed about. I was surprised to find that there are many other couples who also have a hard time conceiving and I learned that that was nothing to feel ashamed of. We actually became pregnant a heck of alot quicker than I thought after we received help.
Once we found we were prego, I wasn't as happy as I should have been. I actually became used to the idea of trying month after month and felt like God wasn't answering our prayers. I became bitter about it and didn't like being around children, thus making me not like being around friends with children. It took time to grow accustomed to the idea of being pregnant. It wasn't until I could actually feel her move inside of me that I became happy, and even more excited when I started buying things early on. Pregnancy wasn't the easiest for me. Many of you may know I was considered a "high-risk" pregnancy due to my heart condition. I also experienced pretty severe swelling at five weeks. I visited the MFM (maternal fetal medicine aka pregnancy specialist for high risk people) who kept close watch on me and had me work part time so that I could spend the other time at home resting with my feet up. My work wasn't to happy about that idea but somehow it worked out. Again another blessing, I still managed to keep insurance on top of that (also an additional blessing). My job didn't seem to believe in the idea of giving me a lighter load or letting me use the crutch of my swelling or pregnancy to keep me from doing things. Occassionaly I had to have co-workers step in or HR inform me that I shouldn't be doing various tasks my department was assigning me to. It was very difficult to work even if it was for part time. My job also assigned me a work load meant for a full time employee rather than part time and my responsibilities were quite stressful. Despite the stresses of work, I strived to be happy, I prayed to be happy, I tried to do things that made me happy. I had a to do list that I felt happy about each time I checked off an item. My husband was a big help through it all. Somehow that brought me peace of mind but occasionally I felt depressed when various ladies would inform me of how "Big" I look. Which by the way is something you NEVER say to a pregnant lady, even if they are. None the less, becoming prego was a blessing, and some blessings do come with adversity.
Aunika is a beautiful spirit in our home and we love her very much. Her arrival was a success with no complaints other than my scoliosis taking a huge toll on my recovery and contractions being more painful than I anticipated. There was a little surprise to having a midwife deliver my baby instead of my doctor. I was immediately okay with that because I initially went to see midwives (Which I highly recommend for a first time pregnant women to do at least the first few visits with because they answer your questions with sincerity and have the time to listen. They are also just as qualified as doctors but do not have the training to do surgery. ) but then switched to see a doctor because of the fact I was high risk. The midwife did a great job and rooted me on every step, making my deliver last six hours. I was grateful to an amazing husband who stood by my side and helped me with every little thing until I could do things on my own. Even now he helps with half the load of being a parent.
We accomplished our New Years goal we set last year and bought a home in Eagle Mountain. At one time I had told myself we would never live in Eagle Mountain because how far it was away from the freeway. It was quite hilarious and ironic I said that, because I'm the one that gave in and now love where we are located. I'm also one who graduated from a small town in the middle of no where.
We are blessed with friendly neighbors who care. Our whole community is involved in each others lives and organizes various activities; there is a Ladies Night Out, Book Club, play groups, Christmas Caroling, Food Drives, and project night newly founded by yours truly. All these events are things I have prayed for to help me grow accustomed to being a new stay at home mother and wife. It is such a blessing to have a home and stay at home with things to give me an outlet.
Vacationing to Chicago and San Fransico is something that may be no surprise to some. We do vacation at least once or twice every year. But then again we were two career driven individuals who had no children. I don't think we'll be vacationing much longer, or at least as often for a while. And as far as viewing vacationing as a blessing, we should. Who is to say as the "last days" approach us anyone would afford vacationing. Being able to vacation alone is a blessing and one I greatly cherish. I have lived in Utah my whole life and I needed to get out and see the rest of the world or states for that matter:)
Some of you may know that my brother is currently serving in the Army Reserve. He came safely home from Afghanistan in October after being there for a year. It was a miraculous blessing and something we all looked forward to. We all had the privilege to meet him at the airport base and watch many of them welcomed home by many other family , friends, and even the news. Unfortunately not everyone in that troop came home. My brother served as a combat engineer clearing the area of bombs. He left as a private coming home as a coronal. I will keep this brief, I don't want to publicly announce what my brother has been through. However my family is truly grateful to him for his service.
Though the year 2011 brought an abundant amount of blessings to my family I am truly grateful for the blessings we continue to receive on a daily basis. I will try my best to keep you all updated with the events of our little Aunika and what is going on in our lives. Please stay tuned and thank you if you managed to make it through this long novel:)
Happy Belated New Year!!