Break or Farewell?
I can't recall how many times I log onto my blog and just sit and stare at what to inform the public with. I am so caught up with work, spending time with my husband, gym, housework, and other obligations I hardly have time anymore.
I sit and look at other blogs but my mind just goes blank on what to do or say with my own blog. Besides I envy those who have more than two comments or any I can't seem to get very many. I tend to think often blogging is more facinating to others if I were to be blogging about my kids, which isn't in the picture quite yet. My husband tells me not to take it personal but that blogs are more for yourself as a personal journel.
However I think I have come to the decision that I am going to either take a break from blogging for a while until I have more time and things to say or bid you farewell. I truly enjoy catching up with your blogs and seeing what you are up to, I shall continue to do so from time to time.
Thank you much to those who have or does visit:) Here is an old photo of Matt and I when were dating back in October 2007.