Oh the AnTiCipAtiOn

Oh the AnTiCipAtiOn

By BrItTneEanN On 7:14 PM with 4 Comments
As I wait for the afternoon meeting today at work: Oh the anticipation! As of a week ago today, finding out that the IA's (instructional aides-I am one technically) jobs are at risk

RiNg out the OLd and rInG in the nEw!

RiNg out the OLd and rInG in the nEw!

By BrItTneEanN On 4:11 PM with 2 Comments
As another year goes by and I grow a year older, I still find that I go through trials. Wouldn't life be so much easier if your trials and tribulations lessen as you

Matt's Documentary!

Matt's Documentary!

By BrItTneEanN On 4:39 PM with 1 Comments
If you get a chance check out Matt's documentary he edited, translated, filmed some, and put together the website www.balancingthecosmos.comHe has worked on it for the last five years and it is finally



By BrItTneEanN On 6:00 PM with 6 Comments
Presenting: Brittnee's Artwork starting from the year 2007 (not including photography). It all started with collaging...2007 as a fun date with Matt Then comes my first attempt of painting on paper in the