My Little Pony 3 year old Party

My Little Pony 3 year old Party

By BrItTneEanN On 12:49 PM with 0 Comments
Aunika chose the theme of her 3 year old party this year to be My Little Pony, she new exactly all the friends she wanted to invite. She named off 6 friends and

Christmas Tree 2014

Christmas Tree 2014

By BrItTneEanN On 5:46 PM with 0 Comments
The year Aunika was born in 2011 we received a baby angel ornament from a dear neighbor of ours, it came with a meal that was provided for us since she was just

"P.S. I Love You" 30th Birthday Surprise

Lilly Marie's Birth Story

Lilly Marie's Birth Story

By BrItTneEanN On 9:51 PM with 0 Comments
After nine months of being in an emotional roller coaster of pregnant life, my baby girl is finally here! The delivery went fairly smoothly and there were no complications thankfully. We are so