Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's

By BrItTneEanN On 11:13 PM with 1 Comments
My friend's husband asked me to throw a surprise party for his wife's 40th birthday and gave me the theme "Breakfast at Tiffany's," because it's her favorite movie. I've organized a lot of

Photo Contests-My Passion

Photo Contests-My Passion

By BrItTneEanN On 5:14 PM with 2 Comments
Mountain America Calendar 2013 submission-not sure on the status of this yet Here are some of my photos I have entered within the last five years into a few contests (Mountain America Credit

McKay Newborn Photoshoot

McKay Newborn Photoshoot

By BrItTneEanN On 4:46 PM with 0 Comments
IT'S A BOY   Here is the reality of the shoot LOL. He just might not like baseball in the future.    Congratulations Erica and Rich Messerly he is a sweet spirit.

Messerly Maternity Photo Shoot

Messerly Maternity Photo Shoot

By BrItTneEanN On 6:33 PM with 0 Comments
My first maternity photo shoot turned out to be so much fun! I was so happy for these two wonderful people who have so much love and excitement in the air. They have