By BrItTneEanN On 4:41 AM with 0 Comments
So it has been a while since I have last posted and I thought I would at least wish you all a Merry Christmas and provide you with a poem that touches home

San Diego Trip-Farewell Soldier

San Diego Trip-Farewell Soldier

By BrItTneEanN On 7:40 PM with 3 Comments
San Diego is a great vacation spot my family loves to visit. We have been there at least six times together over the last several years. This particular trip though was the first

San Diego Photography

San Diego Photography

By BrItTneEanN On 9:18 AM with 1 Comments
Thanks to friends around me, I am once again inspired by photographs and wanted to post some of Matt's and I (mostly mine, wink, wink) photography of when went to San Diego in

Camping Over July 24th

Camping Over July 24th

By BrItTneEanN On 4:29 PM with 0 Comments
Now that the official title of this blog includes my name, it wouldn't be fair to Brittnee nor maintain the accuracy of this blog if I didn't actually write something. So, for my

Matt Turned 30!!!!!!!

Matt Turned 30!!!!!!!

By BrItTneEanN On 8:25 PM with 0 Comments
To fully understand the extent of Matt's 30th birthday we would have to fill you in on details from a few years back. Matt was the sort of guy who loved to throw