Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day

By BrItTneEanN On 12:37 PM with 2 Comments
For the 24th of July (Utah celebration of the Pioneers) Matt and I went to the Days of 47 parade in Salt Lake. It was my first big parade that I can remember,



By On 4:49 PM with 0 Comments
Pow-wow Image
Pow-wowOriginally uploaded by brittneeann This is how some of the people from Roosevelt celebrate their 4th of July. This Native American Pow-Wow is a three day event. I was only able to attend

REAL vs. Toronto

REAL vs. Toronto

By BrItTneEanN On 8:16 PM with 1 Comments
So this is what we did for Matt's Birthday on the 27th of June...... Real won- 3 to 0. Pretty neat experience for our first professional soccer game.