I have been tagged by Christy to know my quirks! So enjoy! 1. I don't like water! Lately I drink it because I'm always dehydrated but I use to get UTI alot when
So Matt and I did something a little out of the ordinary the other day... We went on a progressive dinner that consisted of three fast food places (keeping in mind each one
OK, Brittnee talked me into writing in the blog, since she thinks I don't participate enough. I suppose I haven't written in this format for awhile, since I have been writing other things
So I thought you all would like to know what's currently going on in my life now that Matt and I have been married for over a month now. Our life is pretty
ALL ABOUT MAINE AND BOSTON-OUR HONEYMOON CONTINUED The next adventure we went on was to the Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, this lighthouse I found out is known to be in a famous painting. This