The Unexpected Christmas Visit

The Unexpected Christmas Visit

By On 7:19 PM with 1 Comments
The Unexpected Christmas Visit Image
(Prelude) Twas three nights before Christmas, when Brittnee called Matt. Not one road was clean of snow, not even at Matt's habitat. Matt's car slid on the road and into Big O, Where



By BrItTneEanN On 5:08 PM with 6 Comments
One tradition Matt and I want to have each year is Ice Skating. This year we kicked it off earlier than we wanted. We originally wanted it to be a New Years day

Favorite Christmas Story

Favorite Christmas Story

By BrItTneEanN On 3:28 PM with 3 Comments
O. Henry The Gift of the Magi One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing



By BrItTneEanN On 9:28 PM with 3 Comments
...So is there anyone who doesn't like their body or wishes they could loose more weight?? Or is that just me?I just got back from the gym and actually loved it. I don't

Birthday Adventure

Birthday Adventure

By BrItTneEanN On 2:34 PM with 4 Comments
So for my birthday Matt was full of creative activities. The first creative thing he did blew my mind. He actually did it four days in advance. He prepared a five star meal



By BrItTneEanN On 5:08 PM with 3 Comments
I have been tagged by Christy to know my quirks! So enjoy! 1. I don't like water! Lately I drink it because I'm always dehydrated but I use to get UTI alot when

Something A Bit Rebellious

Something A Bit Rebellious

By BrItTneEanN On 4:24 PM with 3 Comments
So Matt and I did something a little out of the ordinary the other day... We went on a progressive dinner that consisted of three fast food places (keeping in mind each one



By BrItTneEanN On 12:31 PM with 7 Comments
OK, Brittnee talked me into writing in the blog, since she thinks I don't participate enough. I suppose I haven't written in this format for awhile, since I have been writing other things

The Life of the Schramer's

The Life of the Schramer's

By BrItTneEanN On 4:16 PM with 1 Comments
So I thought you all would like to know what's currently going on in my life now that Matt and I have been married for over a month now. Our life is pretty

By BrItTneEanN On 4:58 PM with 2 Comments
ALL ABOUT MAINE AND BOSTON-OUR HONEYMOON CONTINUED The next adventure we went on was to the Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, this lighthouse I found out is known to be in a famous painting. This

Maine Honey Moon

Maine Honey Moon

By BrItTneEanN On 5:38 PM with 5 Comments
ALL ABOUT MAINE AND BOSTON-Our HoNeYmOoNSo Maine isn't the typical honeymoon you would expect, that was my first initial reaction. It is a great place to vacation I knew that from the start.

Reception- August 23rd

Reception- August 23rd

By BrItTneEanN On 6:03 PM with 3 Comments
THE RECEPTION The reception was great for the most part. I say that because there is always something that goes wrong right, at least that's what they say. Anyhow I just have the

Wedding Day- August 22nd

Wedding Day- August 22nd

By BrItTneEanN On 5:46 PM with 3 Comments
Wedding Day My photos are finally here and I finally have access to the computer to post them (we don't have the internet at home yet). So heres the schedule... We got married

12 More Days

12 More Days

By BrItTneEanN On 11:02 PM with 1 Comments
12 More Days until the BIG DAY!So how do I feel....uhh depends on the day!Sometimes I can't wait to get it over with and just be married. . .It's annoying having to say

Memory Game

Memory Game

By BrItTneEanN On 7:16 AM with 4 Comments
This one is making the rounds.Directions: Leave a comment on my blog of a memory you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or



By BrItTneEanN On 4:59 PM with 2 Comments
As I await for my married life with Matt, I live in a small town called Roosevelt, and man am I bored!! No offense to those who live in a small town, but